Dear subscriber,
Following on last month's announcement, today I've posted the release schedule
for the Isolated Futures sequence:
It's been a change from the original plan, to release all stories in a single
volume in early 2022. But after talking to a book marketing coach, I've decided
to release each of the stories individually.
You can imagine this required a bit of coordination, to line up my plans with the
schedules of the editors involved.
Meanwhile, the first two stories have come back from my line editor, and I'm
excited about the changes she's made. Meanwhile, I'm wrapping up the third
story, to get it ready for line editing, and have written the first draft of
the fourth story.
That means there are two more stories to write. I have some ideas for those, but
as my newsletter subscribers, I thought I'd let you have some influence in what
kind of stories you'd like to read. Is there any specific sub-genre you would
be interested in? Let me know (you can reach me at newsletter-feedback(a)
I can't promise your suggestion will make it into a story, but you never know!
ps: if you're looking for something to read while waiting for Isolated Fuures,
two days from now J.D. Edwin's 'Headspace' will be released, an good read!